Empowering a more just & sustainable world  

Our mission is to create a more just, sustainable & prosperous world for all.

The goals of the Empower Resources organization:

  • To INSPIRE the lives of individuals and organizations to foster innovative solutions to social problems
  • To EMPOWER people to achieve independence and self-sustainability
  • To RAISE awareness of injustices around the globe
  • To MOTIVATE people to action for social innovation
  • To CREATE equal opportunities worldwide
  • To HELP reach the Millennium Development Goals
  • To RAISE funds for microfinance programs, creating regenerative funds
  • To EMPOWER reputable non-profits already doing amazing work by enabling them with funds and resources

The Ultimate Goal: In the philosophy of Mahatma Ghandi who said "Be the change you wish to see in the world", our ultimate goal is to create the world that we would all like to see. BE THE CHANGE!

If we change the live of even one person, if only one person breathes easier from our efforts than we will have been truly successful!